Managing Hybrid Teams
  • iconBy - Aaliya Yousaf.
  • iconBlog

As business policies change for offices in this fast-paced online world, many executives need help with their future remote or hybrid workpolicies. Some companies have implemented top-down rules and regulations. In contrast, others have adopted a bottom-up approach, where individual managers are given considerable authority to set their team policy, especially when managing hybrid teams.

While there is no one-size-fits-all model, and no manual to tell you which remote or hybrid model is right for your company, a top-down or bottom-up approach is best. It doesn't get better. The most successful leaders and companies will switch back and forth between top-down and bottom-up approaches until they converge meaningfully.

In practice, how does it work?

As a leader, one way is to adopt a "pyramid of explanation" so that they can achieve harmony. We use this framework at Asana to help everyone agree on what we're doing. A five-level pyramid of clarity connects everyone in your company to your company's mission through their daily work.

Level 1 (the top level) is your company's mission. It's your company's purpose—the "why?" behind what you do. Is.

Level 2 is your company strategy. This "how?" How will you achieve your mission?

Level 3 These are more practical goals that will help you execute your strategy and accomplish your mission.

Level 4 are key outcomes. These are measurements against your goals to evaluate your performance.

Level 5 (bottom level) plans:These are the initiatives that will be measured and contribute to your goals.

As you design and implement your remote or hybrid work policy, I recommend adopting the Clarity Pyramid as your compass. When everything—and everyone—is connected to your business purpose, you'll create stronger policies that empower everyone to succeed.

To get everyone to agree on the purpose of your remote or hybrid work policy, your employees—especially individual contributors—need to understand that every step that is related to remote or hybrid work—such as joining From manager training to technology selection—how does it align with your company's mission?

Using the Clarity Pyramid, you can provide the foundation and supporting structure for an effective remote or hybrid work policy. Suppose your policy is not based on a pyramid of explanation or some similar foundation that emphasizes bottom-up and top-down convergence. In that case, it is likely to collapse at the first inevitable hurdle in principle and practice.

At SassyOS Technology Company, we work as an Asana partner operating in the Middle East and can provide Asana services to you. You can avail a variety of posture services from us, which will help your company create and implement a robust remote or hybrid work policy.


To successfully address the challenges of office reopening planning and remote or hybrid work policies, including managing hybrid teams, we must adopt a strong and well-defined pyramid-based strategy. SassyOS, as an Asana partner, provides you with solutions that meet your company's needs and set you up for success. You can contact us and improve your remote or hybrid work policy.